Monday, April 6, 2009

I'll catch you up

I'm kind of doing this all backwards, but bear with me, I'm a first time blogger ;)

I guess I should go back and explain what was supposed to happen this past month. There may be a little too much information here...I was to go through my first round of 'real' fertility treatments, which would have given me multiple eggs/chances at getting pregnant. All throughout this time, bloodwork and ultrasounds are being done to monitor my hormone levels and ovaries. So, I took the 5 days of Clomid, got bloodwork and everything looked perftect, so I was on the the injections. Not NEARLY as bad as I thought they were going to be. I did 2 days of the injections and had more bloodwork and ultrasound. The Dr. saw on the ultrasound that I had one large follical in my right ovary and a few smaller ones in the left and was concerned that the one large one would overpower the others, but had to wait for the results of the bloodwork to know for sure. A few hours later after getting bloodwork, I get a call that my estrogen level had skyrocketed and the treatments were basically cancelled. I was devistated, but am trying to remember that I really don't have control over everything, and thateverything happens for a reason. So, now, here we are, in the 2WW...

1 comment:

  1. I love you guys so much and everything is going to work. And if this 2WW doesn't work, then we will be there standing by your side for the next 2WW!
